Our Curriculum
Principles and Purpose
Our curriculum at Hawthorn is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs and interests of all of our children. It provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.
We have designed our curriculum around our six core values. At Hawthorn, we inspire our children to express their Creativity in all areas of learning and in their wider school experiences. We aim to develop our children’s Resilience in the challenges that they may face. Respect features across our curriculum and underpins every aspect of our school life and beyond. We promote Thoughtfulness in all that we do. Our curriculum encourages Teamwork and enables our children to become well-rounded citizens in preparation for their future lives. We empower our children to have a greater understanding of their role in class, school and their wider Community, by celebrating the diversity of those around us. This supports their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, ensuring that our children are well-prepared for life in modern Britain.
Ultimately, at Hawthorn our curriculum aims to spark our children’s curiosity and cultivate a passion for life-long learning. By bringing knowledge, skills and understanding alive we ensure that whilst our children are learning, they are also having fun and creating a lifetime of memories!
Breadth and Balance
Our Hawthorn curriculum is aligned to the National Curriculum and is guided by the Pathfinder Progression documents for each subject. We consider the discrete blocks of knowledge, skills and concepts for each subject area and aim to make clear links across themes and between subjects. Core areas of learning are revisited so that pupils develop a deeper understanding with prior learning being built upon. Underpinning this is our aim to ensure that children are confident in reading, writing and maths, which supports them in fully accessing the broader curriculum and enrichment opportunities available. Pupils are challenged not only to develop their understanding, but to master and articulate it.
We aim to build the cultural capital of our children through offering a range of opportunities within our wider curriculum, such as whole school Experience Days, sports competitions, music and arts initiatives, educational trips and workshops, after school clubs and residential trips which support them in exploring beyond their local community.
Progress for all
Hawthorn Community Primary School promotes the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background. Quality first teaching in the classroom ensures that all children make progress. Strategies including modelling, use of worked examples and careful scaffolding ensure that pupils are supported where needed. Meaningful assessment opportunities are planned to identify both gaps in learning and opportunities for challenge and extended learning.
For more information on our curriculum, please refer to the Curriculum Subjects page, the National Curriculum documents available to download below, or contact the school on 01536 512204.