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In Key Stage 1, the focus of history is very much on locally significant events or events within their own memories, as well as key events of great significance such as Bonfire Night. In addition, children will find out about important historical people and events, such as Florence Nightingale or The Great Fire of London.

In Key Stage 2, there are nine main areas of study that are required, some of which have optional strands. The first four are units relating to British history and are intended to begin the development of a clear chronological understanding.

  1. Britain in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages (Lower Key Stage 2)
  2. Roman Britain (Lower Key Stage 2)
  3. Anglo-Saxons and Scots in Britain (Upper Key Stage 2)
  4. Anglo-Saxons and Vikings (Upper Key Stage 2)
  5. Local history (Lower and Upper Key Stage 2)
  6. Victorians (Lower Key Stage 2)
  7. Ancient Greece (Upper Key Stage 2)
  8. Ancient Egypt (Lower Key Stage 2)
  9. Mayan civilisation (Upper Key Stage 2)